Hymn Sing
Prelude (Colin Bonneau)
News and announcements
Candle lighting
Along the Lenten way, the loving Spirit
gives us time to reflection.
Along the Lenten way, our loving God
gives us faithful community.
Along the Lenten way, our loving Jesus
shows us purpose and direction.
Call to Worship
God, Maker, Creator:
So many names – so much love!
Jesus, Christ, Redeemer:
So many ways to live in the Way!
Spirit, Wisdom, Holy Breath
Like Ezekiel’s bones, and Marty and Martha’s brother,
Let us worship God who lives in us now and in eternity!
Opening Prayer
O dry bones hear the word of the Lord:
“If Jesus Christ dwells in you, the Spirit of God will be your life.”
Come and dwell within us Spirit of God and be our life!
In this good news may we be emboldened to truly life.
For Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly,
Thanks be to you God,
Opening Hymn: VU 589 Lord, Speak to Me
CONNECTION TIME: Can these bones live? (Ezekiel 37: 1-14)
Reading from Scripture:
John 11:1-45
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith.
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors.
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Sermon: Can these bones live?
Hymn: MV 94 Love Knows and Waits
Offering Invitation
To allow life for all, joints must be loosed, stomachs filled and bones strengthened. Share your gifts generously and see them transform things and people thought lost to alive AND FOUND!
Prayers of the People
Lord’s Prayer, sung VU 960
Hymn: VU 120 O Jesus, I Have Promised
We go alive – enfleshed by God the maker.
We go redeemed – forgiven by Christ, our companion.
We go inspired – filled with the Holy Spirt.
We are blessed and go to be a blessing.
Postlude (Colin Bonneau)
Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) George Allan and Gord Dunbar (Gathering, 2023 Lent, used with permission) Others were written by Rev. Leigh Sinclair inspired by Feasting on The Word Worship Companion edited by Kimberly Bracken Long.