News and announcements
Candle lighting
Along the Lenten way, the loving Spirit
gives us time to reflection.
Along the Lenten way, our loving God
gives us faithful community.
Along the Lenten way, our loving Jesus
shows us purpose and direction.
Call to Worship
Life-Giving God, another week is done and we have arrived here again as weary travellers.
We are thirsty, O God.
Please give us something to drink.
Still-Speaking God, our lips are parched and our bellies ache; we have not had enough to satisfy us.
We are thirsty, O God.
Please give us something to drink.
Opening Prayer
We come with no buckets or jars, but with open, cupped hands, dreaming of your soothing gift.
We are thirsty, O God.
Please give us something to drink.
You have promised us something new, something that will feed our bodies and souls, something to satisfy.
We are thirsty, O God.
Please give us something to drink. Amen.
Opening Hymn: MV 144 Like A Healing Stream
Reading from Scripture:
John 4:5-42
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith.
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors.
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Sermon: Are you talking to me?
Hymn: MV 162 Christ, within Us Hidden
Offering Invitation
Bless these gifts as you bless each cup of water offered – make them be for others truth, acceptance and nourishment!
DOXOLOGY VU 544 In Gratitude and Humble Trust
Prayer: Loving God, help these gifts reach out and love those in need, here and around the world. Because of Jesus we give, Amen
Prayers of the People
Call to Confession
Prayer Candle lighting with MV 189 Jesus We are Here
Lord’s Prayer, sung VU 960
Hymn: MV 161 I Have Called you by Your Name
Commissioning and Benediction
Loving God, where we asked for a cup of water,
You gave us a fountain.
When we asked for Living water,
you gave us truth.
Now we go to offer others this great news,
Give us courage!
Postlude (Colin Bonneau)
Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) George Allan, Tori Mullin, and
Wanda Winfield, from Gathering (2023 Lent) and used with permission. Others were written by Rev. Leigh Sinclair inspired by Feasting on The Word Worship Companion edited by Kimberly Bracken Long.