Prelude (Colin Bonneau)
News and announcements
Candle lighting
Along the Lenten way, the loving Spirit
gives us time to reflection.
Along the Lenten way, our loving God
gives us faithful community.
Along the Lenten way, our loving Jesus
shows us purpose and direction.
Call to Worship
Come to worship, God is calling
We come to hear the living word!
Come hear us tell of Jesus opening a man’s eyes.
We come to ponder what Jesus will open up in us.
Before…a narrowed way of understanding.
After…an opened heart and mind to see.
Opening Prayer
Jesus, Hope for the World, give us a way to envision with clarity,
Like eyesight can be cleared, so too may our hearts vision clear.
Call us to what is good and true. Root our feet on your good earth.
And open us to know all as your children. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
Opening Hymn: MV 79 Spirit, Open My Heart
Reading from Scripture:
John 9:1-41
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith.
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors.
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Sermon: How was your mind opened?
Hymn: VU 371 Open My Eyes, That I May See
Offering Invitation
As our loving shepherd, Jesus reaches out to help us through all the troubles of life, in loving ways. Let us reach out to each other and to others in our community and in the world beyond as we present our offering this morning.
Prayer: We know there is much need, O God, and we offer what we can to help.
Spread the good we intend where it is needed, we pray,
that it may help our neighbours, near and far,
through Christ, in love. Amen.
Prayers of the People
Lord’s Prayer, sung VU 960
Hymn: VU 436, verses 1-3 Abide With Me
We worshipped this day.
We heard the living word!
We heard of Jesus opening a man’s eyes.
We too have been opened up to Jesus’ Way.
ANTHEM: Irish Blessing
Postlude (Colin Bonneau)
Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) George Allan (Gathering, 2023 Lent, used with permission) and by Rev. Leigh Sinclair inspired by Feasting on The Word Worship Companion edited by Kimberly Bracken Long.