News and announcements
Candle lighting
Along the Lenten way, the loving Spirit
gives us time to reflection.
Along the Lenten way, our loving God
gives us faithful community.
Along the Lenten way, our loving Jesus
shows us purpose and direction.
Call to Worship
Come, children of God and worship!
We come with dim sight and clenched hearts.
Come, children of God and lift up your heads.
We yearn to lift up our eyes and open our hearts to God.
Yes, come and lift up your vision to experience God’s help.
God, our keeper and our shade, keeps us – we will worship God!
Opening Prayer
Maker of heaven and earth, all the smallest things and all the grand expanses, make your presence tangible to us on our Lenten journey.
When we are low, lift up our spirits.
When we are over-extended, root us into your earth.
When we stumble, soothe us with forgiveness.
When we doubt, be the keeper of our faith: its source and its substance.
Opening Hymn: VU 112 O God, How We have Wandered
Reading from Scripture:
Romans 4:1-5, 13-17
John 3:1-17
We respond:
In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith.
This is a faithful witness of our ancestors.
Word of God for us today.
Thanks be to God.
Anthem: Peace Like a River
Sermon: What would a baby step look like?
Hymn: VU 466, Eat This Bread
Offering Invitation
DOXOLOGY VU 544 In Gratitude and Humble Trust
Prayers of the People
Call to Confession
Lord’s Prayer, sung VU 960
Lent Communion and More Voices 203-205
Prayer after Communion
Hymn: VU 626 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Commissioning and Benediction
In the night…we can find Jesus.
In the day…we can find Jesus.
In our baby steps…we are on the Way with Jesus.
Thanks be for the Spirit who inspires our Lenten travel.
Peace be with you as you journey.
Peace be with all we meet on the journey.
Postlude (Colin Bonneau)
Today’s prayers were written (or inspired by) George Allan, Leigh Sinclair and Bill Steadman, from Gathering (2023 Lent) and used with permission.