Updating Our On-Line Connections

Even with some relaxing of the distancing restrictions, keeping connected to others in our congregatin continues to challenge us. Most peolpe are getting outside a bit, and even getting supplies for gardening, etc. However, the limits on worship gatherings are still very strict, and the activities we value most about church (singing, greeting, eating) are classified as high risk. In addition, many of our people fall into the "vulnerable sector" because of their age or health issues. Protecting the most vulnerable, "the last and the least," has always been a high priority in the work of The United Church of Canada, so we may not be "back to normal" for a very long time.

We offer these options for connecting with others using "Zoom", a video conferencing application which is easy to use, and free for those taking part. The e-News each will will include links for these gatherings. Using your computer, tablet or smart phine, simply click on the appriate link (one for Tuesdays, and one for Thursdays), and follow the on-screen instructions. You can also dial in using any telephone, but you won't see or be seen. The Meeting ID and Password are embedded in the link, but are provided for those who phone in, or just in case. (For security reasons, the links will not be posted on the website.) You can even set up your own account, and select a profile picture for when you don't want to use the video.

Hope to see you on line!!



The 10:00 AM Tuesday morning Cup-n-Chat will continue for those who want to have some church contact over coffee, tea, etc. Like our old-time coffee clatches, there is no particular agenda or topic, just the chance to chat and see how everyone's doing.

Meeting ID: 830 7392 7837
Password: 625610
Phone In: 587 328 1099


On Thursday mornings at 10 AM, join me for a discussion of the upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings. On Tuesday, I will post the readings and some background information on the Minsiter's Blog on our website, so you can prepare for the discussion.

Meeting ID: 842 6431 7883
Password: 002558
Phone In: 587 328 1099