St. David's United Church is a registered charity in Canada.

All identifiable donations can be issued a tax receipt.


PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance)

Pre-Authorized Remittance or PAR is a "direct debit" program that allows you to support St. David's United Church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account. Please contact the church office to get set up.

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Offering Envelopes

You may wish to request numbered offering envelopes that you can use to present your offering during the Sunday worship service. Offering envelopes help to ensure that your tax receipt will include all of your offerings. There is information at the back of the church about how to be assigned envelopes.

Single Gift Envelopes

You will find individual envelopes near the seats in front of you on Sunday Mornings. Be sure to write your name and address on the envelope so a tax receipt can be provided at year-end.

Mail-In Donations

Donations can be mailed to the church. Be sure to include you name and address so that a tax receipt can be sent to you.

ATB Cares

ATB Cares is an easy-to-use cause-of-choice website that helps Albertans support the charities that matter to them. It covers all registered charities in Canada. ATB covers the transaction and credit card fees on all donations made through, issues automatic tax receipts to donors (through the Canadian Online Giving Foundation).

  • Choose your cause
  • Choose the amount
  • Make your donation



Gifts can be made to our General (day to day) fund or to our savings accounts that we use for raining days and/or capital projects. 

Day to Day funding through General Fund

Day to day funding uses our General Fund and supports the church staff and the work they do, maintaining the building as a safe and accessible gathering place, and the various programs that the church runs for all ages. Any donations that are undesignated are added to this fund. A small amount of it also goes to fund the support (staff, resources and programming) of the Northern Spirit Regional Council and General Council of The United Church of Canada.

Long Term funding through in Building and Ministry Fund (BMF)

In the life of the church, there are special projects that fall outside of the regular operations of the church. These can be program and worship related ministry projects or capital improvements or significance repairs are desired for the building for it to better enable the wider ministry of the church. 

People can support both of these building and ministry projects with a single donation.  Every dollar supports both the location and activity of the church. 75% of all donations to the BMF are set aside for future building projects. 25% is set aside for future ministry projects.

Mission and Service Fund

The mission and outreach work of the United Church of Canada is enabled by donations to the Mission and Service Fund. This includes human and program resources that the Church provides in Canada and around the globe. From far flung congregations who need upgraded technology to stay in touch to far flung villages who need some agricultural equipment - this is the Fund!

Youth Group

The church's youth group manages its own finances for many of its special programs. People can make donations to specifically support the church's youth ministry.

David Jones Music Scholarships

St. David's has a scholarship fund to help young singers with the cost of attending music camps to enhance their skills and enjoyment of singing. Youth are invited to apply each spring by contacting the junior choir director.

Memorial Fund

The church has a memorial committee that receives donations that are used to enhance the lasting legacy of the church. Occasionally, people choose to donate to the church in honour of a loved one. The committee pools this money together and supports projects that can have a lasting impact on the ministry of the church, including the maintenance of the Memorial Garden and Flowerbeds.