We-Can Food Co-op
On the third Thursday of each month, St. David’s supports a food co-op. The idea is that people pre-order meat, vegetables etc. The cost is reduced because it is ordered in bulk and the types of food to be ordered each month is pre-set. People do not have to order every month. For information on how to join the food co-op, contact the church office. Anyone wishing to help with the sorting or distribution of the food can come to the Leduc and District Foodbank (4810-49 Ave) at 1:30pm on third Thursdays.
Mission & Service
The United Church of Canada supports various ministry and support endeavours throughout Canada and all over the world through partner organizations and churches. The means to this end is the Mission and Service Fund. Donations can be made through St. David’s. Click here for more information on the M&S Fund.
Donations for the Food Bank
One or more Sundays a year, St. David’s invites people to bring donations of non-perishable food, which are passed on to the Leduc and District Food Bank.
Thanksgiving Supper
Some years, St. David's organizes a free supper on Thanksgiving Monday for anyone who would like to come. We work with the food bank to help us be sure to invite people who might need and appreciate this meal.
Gifts for the Community
Often in the weeks leading up to Christmas, St. David's collects practical gifts for our communities' outreach ministries based on requests from organizations like the Leduc Hub.
Potluck Music Outreach
"Potluck" is the name of a group of St. David's musicians who entertain at senior facilities in and around Leduc. There are also opportunities to entertain at other community events, as well as for St. David's church. For more information contact Robin 780-986-6534 or Jim 780-986-3325.