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There will not be in person worship Sunday November 15 and 22nd.

We are taking the advice of the medical community and limiting our activities, including in person worship for 14 days.  Our hope is to role model a return to smaller cohort circles as a way to break the upward trend in Covid transmission. 

Our goal is to restart in person worship for November 29, 2020 which is fitting as it is the first Sunday of Advent, the Christian New Year!  To sign up to attend November 29, 2020 please call the office and leave a voice mail or email  You can also sign up for our Christmas week services.

When we restart our services the following procedures will be in place:

1.  We are limiting attendance numbers (50-70) for the service.  Call the church office during office hours - Tues. and Thurs. 9:00-1:00 to get your name on the list.  

2.  On Sunday morning, the church will be open at 10:00.  The only door that will be accessible is the South East door by the sanctuary.  

3.  We will be letting one person, or one cohort, in at a time.  Please maintain social distancing while lined up outside.  

4.  Masks must be worn.  You may wear your own.  We have some that we can hand out if needed.  Hand sanitizer will be applied by a greeter.    

5.  Go to the table and give your name to the greeter.  A contact tracing list will be kept for 2 weeks folowing the service.  

6.  Collection will not be taken during the service.  A collection plate will be available on the table as you enter the sanctuary.  

7.  An usher will seat you in the sanctuary.  If you are part of a group, please try to come in together.  We will be seating from the front to the back of the sacntuary.    

8.  Because the C.E. Wing will be closed, there is only one washroom available.  If you use it, use the supplies available to santize when you are done.  

9.  Masks must be worn while in the church.  Please respond to prayers and hymns, but with your mask on.

10.  When the service is over, wait for the ushers to move your row before your leave.  Please keep social distance when you leave.  Please clear the lobby out of either door.  If you wish to talk to others after the service, please do so outside.  There will be no hand shaking or hugging in the church.  If you need extra time to exit the church, please stay in your pew/chair until the church empties.  

11.  These procedures are subject to change.  We are doing trial runs, and the next weeks may be different.  We need to see what works, and what needs to be changed.   If you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, please contact a member of the Opening Committee:  Janice Storeshaw, Mary Risebrough, Mary Ann McDonald, Erin Ahlberg, or Jasmin Gering.