Welcome to this online worship service!

Passion Sunday provides highlights of the last week before the first Easter Sunday, from the “Triumphal Entry” on Palm Sunday, to the Last Supper, to the Trial, to the Crucifixion. The Passion Story is not an easy story to hear, but I believe we need to experience the lows of Holy Week in order to fully appreciate the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday.

This service takes you up to “Jesus before Pilate”. The account of the Crucifixion will be included in the second installment of this service, to be posted on Thursday, so you can worship on Thursday evening or Good Friday.

We had scheduled Communion for this Sunday, so this service offers you the option of taking communion elements. Please have a piece of bread (even a pita or cracker) and juice (your choice of flavour) handy before you start the service.

Words and music for two hymns and an anthem are included, so feel free to sing along. The lyrics are all public domain, since copyright is an issue for on-line materials.

Thanks to our lay readers, Janice Storeshaw and David Marriott.

Technical Notes

This is, admittedly, an experiment. I created two versions, in a movie format which should run on most computers, tablets and smart phones. The downloadable file below <Lent 6 lr.mp4> is saved in a lower resolution, suitable for phones or tablets, or slower internet connections. The version on my Google Drive is medium resolution, so will look better on larger screens: you should be able to access it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i8nKH1cKOuGxzh3Hzz9tNs-0XiffVmmO/view?usp=sharing


Let me know how it goes!





David & Janice almost 5 years ago

A wonderful service! We loved it! Thank you, Stuart.

Shauna Dittrick almost 5 years ago

Thank you! It was wonderful to know I am engaged in worship with my St. David’s family even though we are apart.

Helen Stuart almost 5 years ago

Thank you so much Reverend Jackson for your outreach with this service. A gentle spirit is shared from the prayers, I enjoyed hearing the lovely hymns, and it is comforting to share the re-telling of Christ’s journey during Holy Week. Shalom to all.

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