All copyrighted material used with permission under One License No. A722095,
Gathering resources for worship planning Pentecost 2017, Year A
Worship for All Season II, selections from Gathering –Year A

July 5, 2020 Proper 9 Year A


Relighting of the Candles
Fern Gibbard, Penticton U.C., Penticton B.C. the Gathering

Christ, the light in the world;
Christ, the light in our homes;
Christ, the light in our hearts;
Christ, the Light

Catherine Tovell, Delaware-Kilworth P.C, Komoka ON The Gathering
One: Come into the time of worship knowing that God has called each one of us here.
All: We come ready to hear what God has for us.
One: Come, knowing that Christ is here beside each and every one of us.
All: We come with the assurance of this companionship.
One: Come, to be set free to respond to the Spirit’s work in the world.
All: We come to be equipped for service.
Come, let us worship God

Robin Wardlaw, Glen Rhodes U.C., Toronto ON The Gathering
We hear your call and your promise, O Christ. Help us to release that which is a burden and take up the good news that is light and peace. Amen.

Hymn: MV #97 Listen God is Calling
One License No A722095
#01607Words and music: traditional song. Tanzania: trans Howard S. Olson

Scripture: Genesis 24:34-38

Ascription: God’s Word is our hope and our life. Thanks be to God!

Hymn: MV #216 Wherever You May Go
One License No A722095
#125438 Words and music; David Kai 1996

Storytelling: The Story of Recreation written by Martyn Payne

Information on how to support the ongoing mission and ministry of St. David’s United Church is available on our website and in the weekly e-News. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Invitation: We are called to play our part in building up the foundations of love and service. By our giving, we strengthen our commitment to be the people of God.
Bill Corkum, 2002I 1993 Worship for All Seasons II

Prayer: Complete this offering of money God. Add to it the committed time and talents that are ours, and the blessing that is yours.
David Sparks, 1993 1993 Worship for All Seasons II

Offering Song: VU #222 Come, Let us Sing (v.1/3)

Pastoral Prayer
Gracious God, we thank you for glimpses of your glory: for the beauty of a prairie sunrise, calling us to our daily tasks; for the wonder of a prairie sunset, calming our busy and sometimes troubled spirits.
There is so much about our world we do not understand. Beside the beauty and the wonder, there are wars, people who hurt and who are hungry, people who are afraid, alone, unhappy. Assure us, loving God, that you have not abandoned your world. When we despair at the evening news, strengthen our faith and renew our purpose. Set us afire with a vision of your will.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit, God. Grant us the strength to be your people, even when we do not understand. And keep us alive to the words Jesus taught us…..
Joan Brown,1993 Worship for All Seasons II

VU # 959 The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn VU #510 We Have This Ministry
One License No A722095 words and music 1974 Desert Flower Music Jim/Jean Strathdee

Commisoning and Blessing:
Creator Sustainer God:
Wherever we may journey, guide our steps;
Whenever we are in want, supply our need;
And when we have enough, may we be satisfied.
Surround us with your presence, fulfill us with your spirit:
May we dwell this week in the peace you call us all to share.
Pat Milliken, 1993 Worship for All Seasons II

Postlude: Give to Us Laughter
One License No A722095 #80370 Wordsnd Music Contributors: Farquharson/Klusmeier



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