Holy Week provides highlights of the last week before the first Easter Sunday, from the “Triumphal Entry” on Palm Sunday, to the Last Supper, to the Trial, to the Crucifixion. The Passion Story is not an easy story to hear, but I believe we need to experience the lows of Holy Week in order to fully appreciate the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday.

This service picks up from Sunday’s service, which ended with Pilate sentencing Jesus and handing him over to be crucified. If you haven’t already done so, please watch it first. so you can watch this service on Thursday evening, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday.

This service overlaps the story, picking up the story at the Last Supper according to John’s Gospel. Just as a note, John’s Gospel does not include the Last Supper as we remember it from our Communion services. Instead, this Gospel portrays Jesus as the Paschal Lamb, sacrificed on the first day of the Passover.

The Good Friday reading is from the Gospel of Matthew.

Thanks to our lay reader, Janice Storeshaw.

Check back on Easter Sunday!

Technical Notes

There are two versions, in a movie format which should run on most computers, tablets and smart phones. The downloadable file below <Holy Week v2.mp4> is saved in a lower resolution, suitable for phones or tablets, or slower internet connections. The version on my Google Drive is medium resolution, so will look better on larger screens: you should be able to access it here:



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