All copyrighted material used with permission under One License No. A722095, Gathering resources for worship planning Pentecost 2014, 2017, 2020 Year A,
Relighting Candles
Leader: Oh, what a lovely light!
It is the light of the Christ in the midst!
Filled with the light, Jesus bids us shine,
our own lovely light.
May it be so for each of us.
The Gathering 2020 Jani Francis, St. Andrews U.C., Indian Head SK
Call to Worship
One: How wonderful it is when people live together in peace and harmony.
All: It is as refreshing as running under the sprinkler in summer.
One: It is as special as being baptized and anointed as one of God’s children.
All: It is as refreshing as wiggling our toes on a dew covered hillside.
One: It is as if God has blessed us for life now and life forever.
All: Thanks be to God. Let us worship.
Opening Prayer:
Holy God,here we are, ready to celebrate this day!
Open our minds to possibility.
Open our hearts to love freely.
Open our hands to each other.
Work through us, we pray. Amen.
The Gathering 2020 By Jamie Miller.
Hymn: MV #154 Deep in our Hearts
Joseph and his brothers Living God’s Way by Ralph Milton Genesis 45:1-15
Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28
One: In ages past, disciples, prophets, priests and historians wrote down their faith. This is a faithful witness of our ancestors, - Word of God for us today.
All: Thanks be to God
Hymn: MV#145 Draw the Circle Wide
Message: Brought to you by the Letter 'F'
Offering: Information on how to support the ongoing mission and ministry of St. David’s United Church is available on our website and in the weekly e-News. Thank you for your ongoing support.
One: “We are not alone, we live in God’s world.” And because we do, we are gifted with the joy and opportunity to care for one another and for God’s world. Our offering of time and money helps us to do these things, so that the whole world might come to know God’s love. The offering will now be received.
Gathering 2017 Bob Root, Petterbrough, ON
Offering Prayer
One: We say-
All: Thank you , God-
One: For every little thing! We say-
All: Thank you, God-
One:For all the joy you bring! We say –
All: Thank you God-
One: For breath and life and love! We say-
All: Thank you God-
One: For the blessings of from above!
All: (Loud)Alleluia!
(Louder) Alleluia!
(Louder) Alleluia!
(Loudest) Alleluia!
Gathering 2017 Richard Bott, Dunbar Heights U.C., Vancouverm B.C.
Dedication Hymn: MV#1919 What Can I Do?
Pastoral Prayers:
One: Dear God of Life, When we feel happy to be alive,
All: You are there.
One: When we feel weary and sad,
All: You are there.
One: When the day is full of light and promise,
All: You are there.
One: When the night closes in with gloom and despair,
All: You are there.
One: In all things, in all place, in every moment,
All: You are with us.
One: You know all about our lives.
All: You know the things for which we might give thanks.
One: You also know the things from which we might pray for relief.
All: You know us from the inside out.
One: You already know it all, God. Our prayer time with you is not just about passing on requests or compliments.
All: We pray to be connected with you.
One: You are the beginning and end of all things. In this connection, we find our joy.
All: We find our peace.
One: We find solace in hard times.
All: We find company in times of celebration.
One: We pray for ourselves.
All: We pray for others who need your help.
One: We pray to draw these concerns to your attention.
All: We pray to release our hearts from compulsion and worry.
One: We hand it all over to you.
All: Our hope, our trust, is in you. Amen.
Gathering 2014Darrow Woods, Trinity U.C., Oakville, ON
Lord’s Prayer (sung)
Hymn: VU#606 In Christ there is no East or West
Commissioning and Blessing
All: May we journey together in peace, May we honour creations diversity, May we live as a people united and reconciled In the light and love of God. Amen
Joy is our Banquet pg. 54 By Keri K. Wehlander