This week’s service will be prerecorded and posted on the website as a Live Stream, starting at 10:30 AM. It will also be available by clicking on the link below, or on the followiing:

Our YouTube Channel:

Our Face Book page:

You can access these pages from this website by clicking on either the “F” for Face Book or the “Play Button” icon for YouTube, found in the upper right corner.

The recording and the Live Stream feed will include the texts for hymns, etc., and the Service Outline will be posted on the Minister’s Blog on the website.

If you are interested in adding your voice as a scripture reader, please let me know by email ( All you need is a memo or voice recorder app on your cell phone.

Thanks to Stacie for reading, and to Colin, Ron and Jasmin for the music.



1 Comment

Shauna Dittrick almost 5 years ago

Thank you. Lovely worship service. Till we meet again.

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