A PRAYER FOR THE SEASON OF LENT (from Celebrate God’s Presence)
That Lent may bring a return to the covenant in which we love God and our neighbour, we pray: God, renew the face of the earth.
That Lent may be a time for truth, justice, and peace in the decisions of all governments, we pray: God, renew the face of the earth.
That Lent may be a time for each household to strengthen bonds of love and communication, we pray: God, renew the face of the earth.
Hear our prayers, O God; We promise to follow Jesus in the way of love. Amen.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 (The Valley of Dry Bones)
Bible Gateway: Ezekiel 37
Psalm 130 (My soul waits for God)
Bible Gateway: Psalm 130
Most scholars date the Book of Ezekiel to the late 6th Century BC, around 590 to 560 BC. The prophet Ezekiel was among the people who were taken from Jerusalem into exile in Babylon, after the fall of Jerusalem in 597 BC.
In this vision, Ezekiel is led by God to a valley full of dry bones. The Hebrew word for “valley” here indicates a wide plain, such as might be found in Babylon. The reference to “these slain” in verse 9 suggests that Ezekiel is looking (at least in his mind’s eye) at an old battlefield.
“Ruach”, the Hebrew word for “breath”, also can be translated as “wind” or “spirit.” In the Creation Story of Genesis 2, a human being does not live until God breathes upon her or him. In John 20, after his resurrection, Jesus breaths on his disciples and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
The phrase “dry bones” is found elsewhere in scripture as a metaphor for spiritual desolation. These bones are “cut off” or separated, within the power of death. When Ezekiel prophesies to the bones that God is the one who will give them life, the bones come together. But they do not live until God’s breath/wind/spirit comes upon them.
Psalm 130 is a lament which was sung by pilgrims en route to festivals in the Temple at Jerusalem. If you have a Voices United handy, read the choral version found on page 852, “Up from the Depths I Cry to God.”
When have you experienced times of desolation and hopelessness?
Where and how have you experienced God’s steadfast love and renewing power?
How can we share that kind of hope with others?